
"I felt a nice, fresh breeze a moment ago. Where has it gone to?"
- Tennessee Williams, in 'The Glass Menagerie'

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Today, I had one of those "woo-sah" moments...
     those moments where you just have to say to yourself:
   "Self, stop and take a long deep breath, maybe even count to ten.
   then continue on your way with a clear head."

It's those moments when I truly realize the strength that I've been given,
the tolerance for others that my strength has built up,
the strength (and patience) that God has given me.

(I've quit praying for patience, by the way.  I found out quickly that the more I pray for patience, the more things come my way - and the more things come my way, the more stressed out and weak I feel... tiresome, needless to say.  My advice there?  Practice patience.  Don't ask for it... because He will test you.  Without a doubt.  And the testing is ZERO fun.)

I just don't quite understand why some people do the things they do sometimes.
If you know there's problem, don't stir the pot.
Just go with what you're given because you know without a doubt that if you do anything to stir the pot, it's only going to make things worse.
So just live and let be.

That seems the simplest solution to me...
simply avoiding the inevitable by steering clear of the "pot-stirring."

And I know I'm guilty of doing that sometimes
("the pot calling the kettle black")
it's human nature.
But if we're aware of our actions then we can avoid things and try to rectify situations before they ever begin.

Lucky for me, I now have a handsome man that calls me every night... and that north-western Yankee accent soothes my anger and frustration.  Every time.

Thank God for him...
or I might pull my hair out...
or someone else's.
(I'm totally kidding.)
(I'm a lover not a fighter.)


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