
"I felt a nice, fresh breeze a moment ago. Where has it gone to?"
- Tennessee Williams, in 'The Glass Menagerie'

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Where I'm From.

I haven't posted in forever, and I know I've been lacking on this front... but school is kicking my butt!
It's true what they say - when it rains, it pours!
and there's never been a truer statement when you're an education major.

But enough of my complaining...
We are having to put together a poetry anthology of 12-15 poems that are either favorites or describe our lives.  One challenge she gave us (a challenge, mind you, not a requirement) was to write a "Where I'm From" poem.  At first I thought she was crazy.  I mean, who has time for that right now?

But then I decided to give it a go...
and I fell in love with what I was writing, so I just had to share!

So, here goes nothing...

Where I'm From.

I am from forts
deep in the woods,
climbing trees,
            and zip-lining across ditches.
I am from imagination,
            from “a part of your world,”
and a magical world of books
and pages.

I am from flowing rivers
of dark waters,
ice cold beverages,
and bathing in the sun,
from inner tubes and kneeboards,
sunrises and sunsets
sparkling on the water.

I am from cornbread and vegetable soup,
from cast-iron skillets
and tubs of butter.
I am from homemade ice cream,
            topped with mounds of hot fudge,
            and maraschino cherries.

I am from eating watermelon on the porch
at the beach house
with my cousins…
and my grandfather…
            until it drips down our chins.

I am from Thou fount of every blessing,
from His kingdom
            through His grace and His mercy.
I am from being saved by His blood
and bathing in His glory.
I am from forgiveness –
even when it feels undeserved.

I am from love,
            and laughter,
                        and tears.
I am from family
            and friends.
I am from Southern hospitality
and laughing until it hurts.
I am from loving people
            of all shapes and sizes
for exactly who they are
            and who they will always be.

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