
"I felt a nice, fresh breeze a moment ago. Where has it gone to?"
- Tennessee Williams, in 'The Glass Menagerie'

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Couldn't we all be so happy?

As I sit here on Thanksgiving day wrapping Christmas presents and helping my mother cook, it really is impossible not to think about the things that I am thankful for.

I will say it again: my life has changed so much in the past year.

(which has been a good thing in most ways)

Because of everything that has changed, I have become more aware of the little things that I am actually thankful for:

-the sunlight coming my through window early in the morning.
-the laughter of a bubbly seven-year-old as she entertains herself with a balloon for nearly an hour.
-the smile put on my face by walking into work.
-the warm embrace of my family when I return home from Florida.
-the love felt when our tiny little 10 pound dachshund climbs up in my lap and curls up as I write this blog.

All of those things are small, but they mean so much more.
(and there's multitudes more of things that I am thankful for, but these are the things that have just recently popped into my mind)

Of course, then there's the typical things that I am thankful for:

-other loved ones
-the love of our Savior

Somehow, the small things seem so much more.

Our families will always be there.
Our friends will always be there.
Our Savior will always be there.

Those little things, though?

They aren't always there.
They come and go as our lives change.

Last night when talking and catching up with someone special to me, John Lennon's quote, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans," kept coming up in our discussion.

That's what initially got me thinking about the little things to be thankful for.

The small things dissipate as life changes.
We make other plans as life moves on.

I think sometimes,
(and I nod to myself)
we tend to under appreciate these little things when we should be grasping to them with all we've got.

Perhaps we should all take a cue from the seven-year-old and
enjoy the thrills of life as if we're bouncing a balloon off of our fists for hours at a time.

After all, she seems beyond content and happy.
Couldn't we all be so happy with something so small?
(and a sly little grin creeps upon my face)


  1. Absolutly beautiful I am sitting here on My moms floor listening to my family talk and crying reading this. So beautifully written.

  2. Sort of reminds me of something I told you the other day... Why dwell on wanting to duplicate something when you've got the original? And the reason it reminds me of it is because I've thought about it a lot since I said it - We all do it so much... get so caught up in wanting something we don't realize we've got something incredibly amazing already. :)
