I woke up this morning feeling like poop.
My throat was swollen.
I couldn't breathe.
My head was stopped up.
So, I text my dear friend Paula to get some suggestions about what to do to make it feel better (I didn't want to keep Bells while I was feeling icky today.) - and I also text my mom.
They both, of course, share their tips, and I run to the CVS on the way to Paula's house.
Turns out, it didn't matter how much medicine I got at CVS, the one thing I really needed was going to come out of Ruth's mouth the moment I walked into the house. It went a little something like this:
I walked up to the front door and rang the bell.
Ruthie peeked her little head into the window on my right and smiled her cute little smile.
She yanked the door open and literally flung her arms around me.
She then looked up at my while still hugging me and says ever so quietly:
"We decided that you're a part of the family."
I stopped, looked at her, and smiled.
"My mom and I were talking. We decided that you're officially a part of the family now."
(and she smiles her very BEST Ruthie smile)
...then she runs back to watch the show she was watching on Nickelodeon.
...and with that, MY HEART SMILED.
It didn't matter how sick I was or how much I felt like poop.
I was just told that I am considered a part of the Sides (with a side of Lay) family.
That was all the "medicine" that I needed...
...because my heart was smiling it's own very best smile.
It doesn't get better than this.
(and I smile) :)
We thought you might want to know it's official. There are only four of you (extra family members) (we think we're pretty selective) sooooo you officially rank right up there with all the other crazy people we never lose touch with. Errrr, I mean love. :)