
"I felt a nice, fresh breeze a moment ago. Where has it gone to?"
- Tennessee Williams, in 'The Glass Menagerie'

Monday, February 14, 2011

Turns out...

Turns out sometimes you don't need the promise of seeing someone when you get home to help you have a good time.

Turns out all you need is a church family that is at the same place as you, for the same reasons as you - because they love where they are.

Turns out all you need is to spend some time with an old (and lifelong) friend, to share in some laughter (and tears) and to begin rebuilding that relationship...
...even if it does feel like you're picking up where you left off - which makes it even better.

Turns out all you need is to get to know some new people, people that are just as interested in making their lives better as you are with your own.  People that love life as much as you do, people that are willing to listen no matter what.

Turns out... life is just perfect and happy when you just let it happen.
(and I nod)

That's all I've got for right now...



  1. So this is what you do while I'm waiting (and waiting and waiting...-deep breath- and waiting) for my queso.

    Well done.

  2. Aubrey had a blast dancing with you this weekend! Thanks for all you did for the kids. It is appreciated!
