
"I felt a nice, fresh breeze a moment ago. Where has it gone to?"
- Tennessee Williams, in 'The Glass Menagerie'

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Crossing bridges.

Today, I was talking to a friend in between classes, making small talk about life (and everything that goes along with it).

I was giving him advice on some stuff, and he says:

"So I cross the other bridge when I get there"

...to which my response was...

"You always cross the bridges when you get to 'em.  If you cross 'em before you get to 'em, you risk falling into the water."




...maybe I'm on to something...
...maybe we do try to cross all sorts of bridges before we get to 'em in life.

Perhaps we should take things one day at a time and not fret over them until we get to them.

(and I nod)

- I sure know that would create a lot less stress for me, I don't know about you -

So, the decision is final:
You take one day at a time.
You cross one bridge at a time.

I mean, who wants to do unecessary exercise like swimming unless they absolutely have to??


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